Emergency Care Plus  (tm)

                        We're there with you!
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“Most of what is driving us into debt is health care, 
  so we have to drive down costs” President Obama 


Helping employees and their families is something that all employers would like to do, 
but until now, most small businesses have been unable to offer any health care safety net
 to their employees.

Because your employer cares, they are now offering you the next best thing to group health
insurance coverage ... Emergency Care Plus (tm)

You choose the amount of weekly withholding you can afford, and your employer will match
that amount, up to a designated maximum.  Then, if you need help with a medical emergency,
your prepaid Visa medical assistance card is there for you. 

If you don't need to use the money you are accumulating in your Visa checking account, well,
that's good news, and you get to keep that money! In other words, your money didn't go to pay for
insurance premiums, on a policy you never used. 

Ask your employer if they plan to offer Emergency Care Plus (tm), and they can contact us 
for further information on how they can implement this fantastic program ... thank you!

Dennis Dupuis, CPA
President & CEO
Emergency Care Plus (tm)

Contact us at 1-800-370-6636  
or email me personally at

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